Nearly half a million pounds sterling in National Lottery cash raffled off at Nuneaton and Bedworth
Date: 1.05.2022
The record cash amount in the National Lottery was played in the cities of Nuneaton and Bedworth in northern Warwickshire.
The owners of the National Lottery grants have become known. £419,031 was for public interest projects in 2020-21. In particular, sports, historical and art projects related to issues of architectural and literary heritage received financial support. At the moment, a search for new nominees for the state-funded UK and Isle of Man lottery has been announced.
For reference: The Lottery is operated by the Camelot Group under a license obtained in 1994, 2001 and again in 2007. The lottery is regulated by the National Lottery Commission and was founded by Prime Minister John Major in 1994. All lottery prizes are tax free and paid out in a lump sum. The lottery’s cash flow is distributed as follows: 50% goes to the prize fund, 28% goes to charity, 12% – state duty, 5% – commission to sellers, 5% – operating expenses of the Camelot Group, of which 0.5% is income organizations. Lottery tickets and cards with an erasable security code can only be purchased by persons over 16 years of age.
In just over 20 years of operation, the UK National Lottery has donated over £30bn to charities around the world. Such generous donations are made possible by the fact that 50% of the profits from the sale of lottery tickets go to the prize fund of the British lottery, and 28% of the rest of the turnover (about £ 30 million weekly) are deducted from the National Lottery’s Good Deeds Fund (eng. National Lottery Good Causes, which then distributes funds to hundreds of charities.
Who can apply for funding?
Outstanding public figures who have shown their activity in the following sectors:
- Charity.
- Art, culture and cinema.
- Sport.
- Inheritance.
- Environment.
- Young hero (up to 25 years old).
In 2022, a new category appeared – “environmental protection”. Winners are selected by a jury of family members and partners of the National Lottery. Any projects that receive National Lottery funding are also eligible to participate in the Project of the Year category.